About Us
Welcome to Stix & Stones
Winter Shop Hours
Tuesday: 11am - 4pm
Wednesday to Friday: 10am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday/Monday: By Appointment
Appointments are also available outside of scheduled shop hours
Appointments are also available outside of scheduled shop hours
Telephone: 705-223-8245
Email : info@stixandstonesnb.com
Stix and Stones Yarn Boutique is a full service knitting store, located in beautiful Downtown, North Bay, Ontario. We specialize in carrying quality natural fibres from Canadian sources, for hand knitting and crochet. We offer private and group class sessions for learning how to knit and crochet, as well as to get help on your current projects, or to learn something new! Stix and Stones carries a wide variety of knitting and crochet accessories, and our staff is always available to help with any questions you might have!
Visit our store